well, HELLO 2019!

Alright, let's do a #throwback post yea?
Feeling like doing a review of the post I had one year ago.


Well, since I've got a pretty nice blog layout now, it makes me want to blog more (laughs).
I wanted to make a very nice blog with nice photos talking about how my life has been, graduating and being unemployed. However, I couldn't wait (laughs).
(I still do think you have a pretty nice blog layout hehe but apparently I can see that you're not blogging more. What do you mean by you couldn't wait?)

So, I'm going to the workforce soon. (you're now one year plus in workforce *pats on the back*)
Time is passing way too fast. (it's still as fast)
I want to slow down things and see things in a bigger picture. (you've seen Europe again haha)
I guessed I'm too impatient at times. (you still are but I know you're trying your hardest not to)
Having a boyfriend is not an easy feat for me. (getting easier but still quite lost)
Being my boyfriend is not easy as well. (seems harder for him heheh)
Thoughts about the future scares me. (it stills scares me)
So does growing up and being an adult. (after one year, I'm still a child HAHA)

I do have my fears, my anxieties and my worries. (you still have now, oh well why ain't you improving?)
Sometimes I do think that this is too much for me to handle. (you've survived one year babe)
Sometimes I do wish I can just probably give it all up and hide in my own corner. (that's not how life is supposed to be)
But I guess everyone have to grow up one day right? (yes, yes and yes)
Who's going to protect me till I'm old if I'm not going to grow up and take care of myself. (your husband-to-be is able to! but don't be too reliant *winks*)

I just have to take this a step at a time. (yes, you're right)
I do hope the people around me are patient. (you're a lucky girl, you do have a few)
It's nice to have this blog to kind of like type things out yeah? (definitely, that's why you're back here after a year HAHA)
At least now I can see my thoughts visually (laughs). (AMAZINGGGG)

I'm someone that gives up easily. (you are but you're strong as well)
I'm also someone that have big dreams. (just continue striving it and you will get there)
And yes, expectations of how I want my life to be. (stop comparing)
I won't say I've gotten to this day by myself. (definitely)
Given a quitter like me, I must be very appreciative to all the supportive people around me. (you have to but it's time you learn to stand up on your own)
That brought me up and grow together with me till this day.
I love my family and friends that made me a better person.
Carve my character to be who I am today.
And I'm glad to find someone that I love that supports me wholeheartedly as well.
While giving me cold harsh hurtful truth at times (laughs) (hahaha it still hurts)

People might see my life as great? (they still do)
Having a wonderful family with great friends that stayed by me.
And a caring and thoughtful boyfriend.
What's more I could have asked for right? (haha why you're still unhappy, child?)
Now that I've got my job and everything is fine.
Well, I would say...
Yes, my life is great.
But I do sometimes still feel a little sad when things doesn't go as well. (you still do)
Or sometimes when I think about how I've been thru all this to get to where I am now.
It gets me a little emotional.
Or sometimes knowing my life is great, I kind of wonder when this will last. (your life is still great in 2019)

For someone that don't believe in forever,
I'm always living on a thread and always thinking negatively.
I should have gain some weight but instead I'm losing. (hoho you have gain 3kg from the Europe trip you just went)
I've got the best of things but I do things to ruin it.
I'm trying my best not to but sometimes it gets hard.
Or the people around me finds it hard to keep me going.

Sometimes I wonder if all this is just a dream.
And if it's a dream, I'll be glad to sleep thru it. (nahh wake up from your dream and face reality)

In case I don't have time to update a new nicer post,
this shall be the post to give an overall view of 2017.
And with that, my 2018:
I hope that I'll be happier and optimistic towards life and continue to live.
(why you so emo, but well I hope that in 2019, you'll be a happier person still ❤)

signing off.
(signing off.)

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