Heyyyy, just wanna post something about some of the sweet friends I had.
It's like a small random dedication uh.

I wanna thanks all my friends for being so caring and thoughtful to me. I appreciate with gratitude (yay!)

Firstly, thanks to HAPPYFAMILY. I'll never forget the day you all went to my house to visit me when I am in my most sick moment in my life. I really couldn't stand up and even have difficulties sitting up to talk to you all, and also smile cause I'm so sick I couldn't even laugh much. And tears keep wanting to drop, reasons is sick and touched at the same time la! That's such a nice surprise. And for Wifey PingTing, thanks for buying my herbal bottles when I'm sick during training! Feel so bad to let you pay for me at times ):

Secondly, thanks to HuiFen for asking whether did I faint when I went to LTCamp instead. Hahaha, so for the whole day I didn't reply her, she thought I had dental appointment and the medicine is too strong that I numb and whatever so I didn't reply her, than she super worried (can see from her message) So thoughtful of her to think that way uh! Thanks, although I never faint la, but at least I know that someone is worrying about my health and stuffs.

Thirdly, thanks to my two friends today, LinLin and Tina for waiting for me outside the toilet. I mean, it's kinda normal if you read it like this but actually, here it goes. I was so sleepy, I slept outside the tutorial rooms with my coursemates and I woke up to go to the toilet (with a distance). Than halfway, I am holding the wall for support cause I just woke up and my eyes can't open widely and stuffs, so I look like I'm going to faint to my friends who came back from toilet and saw me. So I just went to the toilet, without knowing they accompany me to the toilet. Then I came out, they say they scared I faint inside cause I look weak than wait for me, awww so cute right? They would have just went back and sit rest or what but they walk back to check if I'm alright (when I'm really alright la). So sweet of them to think like that and care for me uh! Touched! :D

Alright, knowing that so many people cares about me, this makes me feels more motivated to continue move on and work hard! And also, sometimes, one should look around at the small things that people do for them and appreciate it. You will feel better after you look at those small things that people do for you too! (:

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