Hello! (:
I'm such a late updater.
Cultural Night over like so long already, now i'm just uploading for people in facebook lo.
And those pictures, sighh. No face to show people already la. Terrible.
Anyway, Cultural Night is awesome, so is my mother's birthday that day! (:

School was going normal again, nothing is unusual.
Except for the upcoming Math Day which my whole class is attending.
Should I go that AEM? But I don't want get interview lehhh. DD:
There's alot of tests next week. I'm gonna die.

Many happy things and sad things happen to me.
Makes it so equal, so still can take it.
Little brother going NE NDP tomorrow, and he got the nice bag for me! (:
Short and sweet update! (:
Byes (:

I'm such a daydreamer, dreaming of impossibilities. But it is nice to dream a little, cause it makes me happy! (:

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