Ah! I'm so envy when I see people with lots of trophy,or even one.
Because, till now, I don't have a trophy.
But still okay, I still have one medal. :x
Anyway, I think everybody is not perfect, even me la!
I can name at least one flaws in everybody to prove this statement.
But duh, I didn't tell the person about it la.
And I find more flaws in myself lo! Heheh.

YES! It's FRIDAY, like finally.
Alot of things are happening this few days.
& I stumbled into daydreams again, and make me so-not-focus.
YOG's coming, and I like the YOG song more then the NDP song.
No offence, but yeap. Probably not used to it?
I like older versions of NDP songs, more unity. (:

I hate myself hating people.
Because whenever I hate people, I think that somebody elsewhere would be talking about how they hate me too.
But, I still can't help it, so I TRY.

Common test is really coming SOON.
Many homeworks and tests = less family day or alone at home.
They want to promote family bonding but still eating our time away by giving us lotslots homework.

Byebye, until next time! (:

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