Hello, hehh.
Today went home alone AGAIN.
Yup, it's friday. People go out shopping, people going cca and some are rushing home.
So, nobody pei me go home.
At first thought that i'm going to eat alone as Carrissa had this urgent meeting.
Then i went to the canteen to find Steffi to pass her something.
Yeap, saw her and eat with her and her nice friend (:
Then talk this after that talk that after that talk that LOL thing.
Then after that need go find teacher pass up thing due to her request, not in.
Then go give back Carrissa the papers.

HOME alone.
Walk in the very hot sun.
I am perspiring until sweat started to drip from my spectacles. -.-
Went up that bus and sat in one corner.
Then after that kenna teased by one stranger.
Why am I so stupid, LOL. Nevermind. Don't say angry things here. Go rant other place. Heh.
(Talking to myself, sorry)
Brought along earpiece didn't use, nevermind.
Then went home.
Always go home alone, things would happen.
Last time is consider surprising things.
Now is like bad things? Abit like bully me la.
Nevermind. HA.

Everything in class is so-so.
Homeworks are manymany and people are very stress.
Recently, there are some noises travelling around the class, not like first day. LOL.
Then ya, so, yes.
Moodswing is terrible this week.
Hopefully, next week would feel better.
HAHA, been submerge into a song. Trying to control my moodswing.
It's like the song telling me not to give up, GREAT!
Kept listening, LOL.
Okay, PEOPLE KEEP IT UP KAY? HAHA, i'm stress to. HI-FIVE!
Byebye, seeya!

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